Lesson 3.1: Res Gestae 01 – Intro


Qui parentem meum trucidaverunt, eos in exilium expuli iudiciis legitimis ultus eorum facinus, et postea bellum inferentis rei publicae vici bis acie.

What can you make of this? Almost nothing, unless you’ve been learning Latin from some other source. But spend a moment with it and you’ll guess a few words.

Parentem does mean parent. Exilium is exile. Legitimis is legitimate, or lawful. If you remember ferebatur you’ll know that fer means to bring or carry. So you may make a stab at inferentis and figure it has something to do with something being brought or carried in.

This might seem maddeningly vague, but these conjectures have already started to colour in the passage for you. Can you take it further?  Someone is talking about a parent. Does parentem meum mean “my parent”?

Well, yes. It does. More than that, it means specifically “my father.” How it means that will be covered in today’s film. First let’s look more closely at the passage.