Lesson 5.11 Ovid


hos aliquis tremula dum captat harundine pisces,
aut pastor baculo stivave innixus arator
vidit et obstipuit, quique aethera carpere possent,
credidit esse deos. et iam Iunonia laeva
parte Samos (fuerant Delosque Parosque relictae)
dextra Lebinthos erat fecundaque melle Calymne,
cum puer audaci coepit gaudere volatu
deseruitque ducem caelique cupidine tractus
altius egit iter.

If you can make your way through this, congratulations on a great day’s work. If not, don’t be embarrassed to go back to the start of the lesson and do it all again. One of the best ways to learn is to go over something repeatedly. It’s a great boost to saunter through something you once had to struggle with.

This counts for the earlier modules too. Check back occasionally to refresh your memory, to apply what you’ve learned since and to see if I’ve added anything. Sometimes there will be a new interview, or a link to some outside resources.

In the meantime, let’s see how the flight turned out and watch a short film about Ovid.